The Ashtray (Walking with Myths Volume 2) Album Cover

The Ashtray (Walking with Myths Volume 2)

A collection of down-tempo, acoustic, and electronic hybrid music. A spiritual successor to my second album: Logos.

Album Information

The Ashtray (Walking with Myths Volume 2) has 10 tracks and a total runtime of 32:38. This project is in an ongoing effort. Song lyrics are indicated by a microphone. You can read the lyrics by clicking on the microphone icon.

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The Ashtray (Walking with Myths Volume 2) Album Cover

Fields of Cane (Instrumental Version) 03:59

The Ashtray (Walking with Myths Volume 2) Album Cover

A Doomer Dreaming 03:45

The Ashtray (Walking with Myths Volume 2) Album Cover

The Lure 03:48

The Ashtray (Walking with Myths Volume 2) Album Cover

Pembroke Pines 02:06

The Ashtray (Walking with Myths Volume 2) Album Cover

Slavic Highrise 03:06

The Ashtray (Walking with Myths Volume 2) Album Cover

For Everything I Wish I Were 03:13

The Ashtray (Walking with Myths Volume 2) Album Cover

Only Impressions Remain 04:13

The Ashtray (Walking with Myths Volume 2) Album Cover

Ghosted 02:21

The Ashtray (Walking with Myths Volume 2) Album Cover

Lullaby for Restless Thoughts 03:17

The Ashtray (Walking with Myths Volume 2) Album Cover

Closed Eyes, Blue Skies 02:50

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