Chapel Perilous (Walking with Myths Volume 3) Album Cover

Chapel Perilous (Walking with Myths Volume 3)

Collection of experimental electronica mixed with acoustic instruments. This project is telling a story. Put on your headphones and enjoy the ride.

Album Information

Chapel Perilous (Walking with Myths Volume 3) has 6 tracks and a total runtime of 17:23. This project is in an ongoing effort. Song lyrics are indicated by a microphone. You can read the lyrics by clicking on the microphone icon.

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Chapel Perilous (Walking with Myths Volume 3) Album Cover

Prator Fatalis 02:50

Chapel Perilous (Walking with Myths Volume 3) Album Cover

Echoes of the Past 03:13

Chapel Perilous (Walking with Myths Volume 3) Album Cover

Dreamscapes: Let you go 02:58

Chapel Perilous (Walking with Myths Volume 3) Album Cover

Glyphs 02:04

Chapel Perilous (Walking with Myths Volume 3) Album Cover

Smoke Above, Smoke Below 03:14

Chapel Perilous (Walking with Myths Volume 3) Album Cover

Beyond the Cane (Instrumental Version) 03:04

If you like my work, please consider helping me produce more by giving a small donation. Your help goes a long way! Plus, it just makes me feel good inside.